
I’m Clayton A. Oliver (frequently seen online under the handle Tegyrius). I’ve been a gamer since about 1984, when a classmate in elementary school introduced me to Car Wars. I picked up tabletop roleplaying games a couple of years later with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness. In 1996, I somehow landed an internship with White Wolf, where Phil Brucato and Rich Dansky gave me my first shots at writing for the hobby. I’ve been an occasional contributor ever since, working as a freelancer for White Wolf (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Wraith: The Oblivion, Trinity, Adventure!, and some general World of Darkness material), Alderac Entertainment Group (Spycraft and Stargate SG-1), 93 Games Studio (Twilight: 2013), and Onyx Path (general Chronicles of Darkness, Aeon). I’ve also done two Twilight: 2000 sourcebooks on spec, both of which Far Future Enterprises accepted for publication.

My wife and I provide professional staffing services for two cats who prefer the fringes of haunted Appalachia to their origin in the frozen tundra hellscape of the Midwest.

In my professional life, I’m an emergency manager and recovering technical writer. This blog isn’t about those aspects of my life. If you want that face, you’ll probably be better served by my mostly-defunct EM blog, Emergency Pants.