Publication Credits

ProjectPublisherPublication YearContent Created
The Shadow Player’s GuideWhite Wolf1997minor contributions
Tradition Book: EuthanatosWhite Wolf1997minor contributions
The Book of LegionsWhite Wolf1998Silent Legion
The Vampire Storytellers CompanionWhite Wolf1998primary author
The Guide to the CamarillaWhite Wolf1999elder Disciplines
The Guide to the SabbatWhite Wolf1999minor contributions
World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed TidesWhite Wolf1999intro fiction
Vampire material
Children of the NightWhite Wolf1999al-Ashrad
Trinity Players GuideWhite Wolf1999expanded character creation
The Vampire Storytellers GuideWhite Wolf1999minor contributions
Subsidiaries: A Guide to PentexWhite Wolf2000Magadon Pharmaceuticals
Libellus Sanguinis IIIWhite Wolf2000Assamites
Laws of the Night Sabbat GuideWhite Wolf2000Disciplines
Clanbook: Assamite, Revised EditionWhite Wolf2000primary author
Adventure!White Wolf2000Inspiration
dramatic editing
Pan-Asian Collective Chamber BookAEG2003minor contributions
Faceman/Snoop Class GuideAEG2003new character options
new equipment
various tradecraft rules
African Alliance Chamber BookAEG2003animals
new character options
1960s Decade BookAEG2003new character options
new equipment
New Spartan Order
Sleeping Water Society
The ShopAEG2003gadget design
Stargate: Season OneAEG2003weapons addendum
Stargate: System LordsAEG2004system lord resource creation
AgencyAEG2004minor contributions
Stargate: Season TwoAEG2004mechanics
Modern Arms Guide Expansion, Volume IAEG2004primary author
U.S. MilitariesAEG2004Coast Guard
part of Marine Corps
most mechanics
Stargate: Unexplored WorldsAEG2004Hou Kainga
World MilitariesAEG2004Asia (less Japan)
Middle East (less history)
most mechanics
BattlegroundsAEG2005post-apocalyptic setting
new rules
World of Darkness: ArmoryWhite Wolf2006firearms and ranged weapons
weaponry and the WoD
World of Darkness: Tales from the 13th PrecinctWhite Wolf2006police procedure
related Merits
Twilight: 201393 Games2009(developer)
Twilight: 2013 Rules Addendum93 Games2009primary author
Shooter’s Guide: Pistol-Caliber Carbines93 Games2009primary author
Shooter’s Guide: Alternate Arms93 Games2009primary author
Shooter’s Guide: Cold Warriors93 Games2009primary author
Shooter’s Guide: Undercover Arms93 Games2009primary author
Wraith: The Oblivion, 20th Anniversary EditionOnyx Path2018Silent Legion
most Arcanoi
Trinity Continuum: AeonOnyx Path2019Australia
outer system
Khantze Lu Ge
Psi Order Legions
Book of OblivionOnyx Path2019disasters
Aeon: Distant WorldsOnyx Path2020Marfisa
Ruan’s World
some new technologies, critters, and alien artifacts
Aeon: Terra FirmaOnyx Path2020FSA
Ghosts of Cincinnatus
Savior’s Path
Twelve-Mile Limit
civilian and law enforcement tech
Aeon: Prometheus UnboundOnyx Path2022Psi Order Legions
Legions-associated technology
The Pacific NorthwestFFE/GDW2021solo project
Tara RomaneascaFFE/GDW2022NATO
campaign options
supernatural options
elements of other chapters