Tag Archives: Aeonverse

Ekundayo Temitope

Game: Trinity (White Wolf, 1998)

My Experience: I was an intern at the Wolf while Trinity – then titled Aeon – was in early development. I wasn’t in that compartment, but I knew it was coming, and I was hungry for it. Halloween weekend of ’98, I was in Dayton at a Halloween gathering with some friends I’d made on a chat server. We went out to hit a local game store and I saw the book sitting there. That was pretty much the end of the weekend for me. I feel in love instantly. Almost three decades of gaming later, Trinity remains the setting in which I’d most want to be a PC. My only opportunity to play it was a short-lived play-by-email game in which the developer, Andrew Bates, was also playing incognito. I’ve run it a few times, including one complete playthrough of the original published adventure trilogy. I was lucky enough to provide input on several supplements and freelance (not my best work, sadly) on the Player’s Guide right as the line’s first incarnation was wrapping up. When Onyx Path rebooted the line a few years ago, I scored several chunks of the core book and a couple of supplements (which I think are among my best work).

Inspector Ekundayo “Kunda” Temitope, Forensic Engineer

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Game: Aberrant (White Wolf Publishing, 1999)

My Experience: I was never a huge superhero aficionado, so I kinda slept on writing opportunities for Aberrant (and, if memory serves, I was busy with Vampire work at the time anyway). However, the WWGS freelance community at the time was smaller than it is today and somewhat well-coordinated, so I did get to do some playtest work, and ran a couple of pre-release demo games at the infamous Origins ’99.

Bánoy (Manuel Kidlat Salazar), Stormwhisperer

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Ainsley McTavish

Game: Adventure! (White Wolf Publishing, 2001)

My Experience: Somewhere out there, there’s an Origins Award for this book with my name on it. Admittedly, my name’s on the thing only because of the way the Origins Award process sorted the author names, but there it is. So at least I got that going for me.

Ainsley McTavish, Heiress of Secrets

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