Tag Archives: Eclipse Phase


Game: Eclipse Phase (second edition – Catalyst Game Labs, 2009)

My Experience: Little Sister once ran a one-on-one game for me, which lasted about three sessions before our respective schedules both imploded. I keep thinking I want to do something in the setting, but it suffers from the same issue as Blue Planet – it’s so expansive that I struggle nailing down a focused campaign concept. Although I own the 2009 first edition book (and what’s what Little Sister and I used), I used the second edition rules for this writeup. Couple of reasons: I hadn’t built a second edition character yet and I wanted to see what it’s like, and, from appearances, the process takes about a third as long. Seriously, original-flavor Eclipse Phase character creation is about as crunchy as first-edition Shadowrun.

Hackbird (Sequence C15.5359j), Dataspace Predator

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