Tag Archives: Stargate SG-1

Jared Ingram

Game: Stargate SG-1 (Alderac Entertainment Group, 2003)

My Experience: I’ve previously written about one of the best convention GMing experiences I’ve had. Subsequent to that, I ran a home campaign for about a year, maybe a year and a half, with the PCs as the members of the exploration-focused SG-17. On the freelance side, I wasn’t involved in core book work (I think I was busy cranking out words for Spycraft products at the time), but I contributed content or rules editing support to all of the following sourcebooks in the line.

Staff Sergeant Jared Ingram, Interstellar Weatherman

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Through the Gate

Last month, someone elsenet started a thread about people’s most memorable experiences involving gaming with strangers. Here’s my contribution.

At GenCon… ’03, I think… I was on the AEG team. I was primarily there to run demo sessions of Stargate SG-1, which was so new that the AEG warehouse had to unload the books from the truck and overnight them to our hotel to get them to the booth for sales. It was late on Sunday and I’d already run five sessions plus a Spycraft LARP (the less said about that, the better). I was at the booth for the last couple of hours when a group of five or six guys wandered in hoping there was a chance of an off-schedule Stargate demo game. I was utterly exhausted and going through Ricola like it was powdered sugar at a Miami Vice LARP, but they were so earnest and so hopeful. Yeah, sure, I can do one more, just pour a Mountain Dew into me and I’ll be good to go…

… and that was the best table I’d run all weekend. Genre-savvy, well-coordinated, and willing to lean into the plot hard. Better, and this was a high bar, than the group that included three players whose real-world doctorates or career specialties matched the ones on my pre-gen PCs. That Sunday afternoon group turned out to be a college gaming group who’d split to all corners of the country after graduation. They’d mostly fallen out of TTRPGs due to jobs, families, other commitments… but for nearly twenty years, they’d been coming to GenCon to get in one weekend a year of gaming together. Felt good to facilitate that for a few hours.