Tag Archives: site status

Minor Site Template Update

I realized not all of my post tags were showing in the tag cloud, so I replaced the default WordPress widget with a free custom one. Hopefully, this will show all the tags, even the ones I’ve only used once or twice. It’s a bit more colorful, too – my apologies if it looks like ass to my readers with restricted color perception.

Let me know if y’all can’t see anything, or if what you can see is blatantly unreadable.

Not Really An Annual Report

It’s hard to believe I’ve kept this blog active for a year with at least one post per week. That’s largely attributable to two things:

First, I’ve been using this platform as a means of recycling old material from my defunct LiveJournal account and various forum posts. All of those will eventually go the way of all bits, and while there’s no guarantee my hosting provider here will stay afloat, it’s a centralized repository under my administrative control.

Second, the Kaserne on the Borderlands campaign log generated a ridiculous amount of material (and was a ridiculous amount of work to maintain). The campaign has been on hiatus since late August, but my current intent is to restart it in the spring.

Because I’ve been relying on recycled material, my actual “new” content creation here has definitely not been in the once-a-week model, with the exception of the aforementioned campaign log. I currently have (pause, count) 14 recycled posts scheduled after this one. Once that well is dry, I don’t know that I’ll be able to maintain the once-a-week schedule. I also have some major life changes coming up in the next couple of months that are outside the blog’s scope but which definitely will affect the amount of creative energy I can invest here. The result of all of this is that I expect my posting frequency here to drop off sometime in April.

Because I have comments disabled (all the better to not be spammed with), I can’t tell whether anyone is actually reading this thing on a regular basis. This is strictly a hobby thing, not a revenue-generation attempt, so I’m not advertising the blog. But I hope I have a few semi-regular visitors who are getting some use out of it.

An Update on Updates

My three regular readers will note that I haven’t posted anything for Kaserne on the Borderlands for a while and my overall posting rate has dropped. I’m still here, and have a number of things I’d like to write, but life away from the virtual gaming table has had other priorities. The campaign is currently on pause while I deal with those items. Coincident with this, I’m also running low on archived or published-elsewhere material to release/re-release here. So, while I’m not going anywhere, content here will likely be more sparse going forward.


New blog, who dis?

I’ve been having some gaming-related thoughts lately that aren’t worthy of articles or forum threads themselves, but which I nevertheless want to get out there in case anyone else finds them useful. This blog will likely remain specific to gaming – I have another place for thoughts related to my day job and most of my gaming audience doesn’t care about my personal life.

I’ll also be reposting some older material from other places to ensure I don’t lose it when sites or forums outside my control go down.

Let’s see how long I can maintain focus.