Tag Archives: Star Wars


Game: The Star Wars Roleplaying Game (Second Edition, Revised and Expanded) (West End Games, 1996)

My Experience: Back in the early 2000s, I was fortunate enough to play in the last year or so of Tracker7’s decade-long Far Orbit campaign. I’ve also played and run the FFG edition of the game a time or two.

Anastasia “Convor” Glaux, Reconnaissance Starfighter Pilot

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For Star Wars (any system, but preferably Fantasy Flight’s):

Another starfighter pilot concept. This one’s a human, an Imperial instructor pilot who defected with an early-model Interceptor. He’s still a starfighter pilot and still flying it, but for obvious reasons, he’s a better fit for an irregular unit (like the PCs’) than a fleet squadron. He may have done a tour as an aggressor pilot in a Rebel training unit, so he likely has an encyclopedic knowledge of the capabilities and flight dynamics of most of the galaxy’s common starfighter designs. For best effect, and because the Star Wars universe has always implied social status with accents, play him as a WWII British Spitfire or Hurricane pilot: upper-crust accent, unflappable, prone to understatement, immaculate hair and mustache, silk scarf, tongue like a razor if you get on his bad side. Tallyho, chaps!

His bird was from his training squadron, so it was fitted with ion cannons in place of the lasers (no sense in needlessly killing the cadets too early). Rebel techs have restored the original laser capability but the ion guns are in a shipping crate just in case they’re needed. He’s named the bird To Serve the Empire… in the same sense as To Serve Man. Add appropriate nose art…


For Star Wars (any system, but preferably Fantasy Flight’s):

This pitch is for is an R2-series astromech droid starfighter pilot.

Yes, pilot. He flies an X-Wing or Y-Wing from the astromech socket. His organic partner was killed by a cockpit hit. He got the bird back to base at a time when the situation was so desperate that someone in authority let him keep flying. He’s steam-cleaned the gore out of the cockpit but otherwise left it gutted by the turbolaser hit (hey, not running life support means more power budget for shields). The starfighter is now painted in a monochrome version of the standard Rebel Alliance palette to make it look like an unmanned ghost fighter.

While the concept is wholly playable, the droid’s designation is the joke:
