Tag Archives: Legend of the Five Rings

Iuchi Masuyo

Game: Legend of the Five Rings (first edition – Alderac Entertainment Group, 1997)

My Experience: I’ve been hanging out in Rokugan since my junior year of college, when the hall director saw some of us playing Magic: The Gathering in the third floor lounge of Holmes Hall. He remarked that his buddy, John Zinser, was involved with a company that was bringing some new card game to market. I was hooked as soon as the first free samples showed up. A couple of years later, the RPG set in the same universe released, and the Louisville Gaming Mafia engaged with it pretty much immediately. I’ve run or played each of the four editions AEG put out and it remains one of my go-to systems and settings.

Iuchi Masuyo, Reluctant Yojimbo

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On the workbench this week: a batch of samurai from the Clan War starter box (anyone else remember AEG’s twenty-plus-years-ago attempt at a wargame?). These guys and their friends are getting done up as a collection of scruffy ronin for a friend’s Legend of the Five Rings tabletop campaign:

Once again, Army Painter Speedpaints FTW. Despite rattling around in a box for a couple of decades, the sculpts are still crisp enough that the texture on the armor really pops when the self-shading compounds do their thing.

I’m trying to decide if I want to try to do eyes and risk fucking up the whole face.