Game: Twilight: 2000 (second edition, v2.2 – GDW, 1993)
My Experience: The second edition of Twilight: 2000 came out in 1990, when the so-called end of history had rendered the first edition’s game history obsolete. It featured an updated timeline to which, admittedly, I paid very little attention. More of my focus was on the more playable game engine, which eliminated a lot of the headaches high-school-age-me had with the original game. I snapped up the yellow boxed set as soon as it released, flailed ineffectually with it through high school and my early college years, and shelved it when it became clear that I wasn’t going to find anyone interested in playing. Along the way, GDW released v2.2, which I didn’t actually use until I was in my late thirties and involved in a few play-by-post games. But we did have some pretty fantastic PbPs…